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Evres Annual Dinner – Hawaiian Night

An annual dinner is one of the most awaited events in a year for anyone who is working in any organization. It is where staffs usually will express the creative side of their personality to tally with the theme, to have fun with their friends and family, as well as to create beautiful memories. On […]

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Evres Team Building

“There is no ‘I’ in TEAM.” A phrase that we have heard hundreds of times. As an organization that always aiming to be at the top, Evres highly emphasize the importance of working as a team. To win, lose, and be successful together as a team. Aligned with this mission, a team building activity was […]

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Evres Family Day 2023

As an organization, Evres firmly believe in the value of family. As one of our methods to appreciate the value, Evres have organized an event to group our staffs and their family members in a 3 days and 2 nights stayfrom 16th of June to 18th of June 2023 in one of the famous resorts […]

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Iftar Ramadhan with Employees and ITI

Ramadhan Al- Mubarak in 2022 gives a difference to all Muslims, we are grateful to Allah SWT for giving us the opportunity to perform fasting this year. Alhamdulillah, with the permission of Allah, our company, Evres Healthcare Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, was given the opportunity to celebrate Ramadhan this time with employees and supplier by holding […]